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How to Clean Spaghetti Sauce From Leather

Melynda Sorrels

Spaghetti sauce is one of the last stains anyone wants to deal with in any material. When spaghetti sauce finds its way to leather, it poses a seemingly huge problem, given how temperamental leather is to clean.

If your leather jacket is suddenly sporting remnants of dinner, quick thinking will keep your jacket from displaying a permanent stain. With the right materials and an immediate response, you'll be able to remove this stain from leather.


If the stain is widespread and you cannot remove it with this method, consult with a leather professional for more options


Avoid using harsh chemicals and abrasives on leather, as this will damage it.

  1. Scrape away dried spaghetti sauce with a plastic utensil to remove as much as possible. If the stain is fresh, wipe away as much of the sauce gently with a clean cloth, wiping from the outside of the stain and moving in so as not to spread the stain further.

  2. Mix a bleach free soap or Saddle Soap into water to make it sudsy. Combine 2 tbsp. soap for each cup of water to create a sudsy mixture.

  3. Dip a soft clean cloth into the suds, not the water.

  4. Scrub the stain with the suds to remove it.

  5. Rinse the area with a clean damp cloth to remove any residual soap.

  6. Wipe the area with a clean dry cloth to help remove excess moisture.

  7. Allow the jacket to air dry.

The Drip Cap

  • Spaghetti sauce is one of the last stains anyone wants to deal with in any material.
  • When spaghetti sauce finds its way to leather, it poses a seemingly huge problem, given how temperamental leather is to clean.
  • Scrub the stain with the suds to remove it.