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How to Clean Mold From Color Clothes

Corey M. Mackenzie

Mold on clothes can leave stains and a terrible odor if not removed. For white clothes, the solution is most often bleach; however, you cannot use regular bleach on colors without fading them. You do have another, color-safe option for removing mold from color clothes.

Mold on clothes can leave stains and a terrible odor if not removed. For white clothes, the solution is most often bleach; however, you cannot use regular bleach on colors without fading them. You do have another, color-safe option for removing mold from color clothes. It takes no more time, and is no more difficult than cleaning mold from white clothing.


Sodium borate removes both stains and odors from clothing and is safe to use on color fabrics.


Greenlivingtips.com warns that although Borax is relatively safe, you should avoid inhaling it (it is a powder), keep it away from kids and pets, and avoid accidentally ingesting this substance.

  1. Put on rubber gloves and a dust mask, as is standard procedure for all mold cleaning chores. Place moldy clothes in a tub or sink. Fill the tub or sink with warm water.

  2. Add ¼ cup of Borax (sodium borate) and a couple tbsp. of laundry detergent, as suggested by laundrygoddess.com, or 2 cups of borax per 2 quarts of water, as suggested by rd.com. Use the stronger solution for heavily mildewed or molded clothing.

  3. Allow the clothes to soak for 10 minutes to half an hour. Rinse the items in cold water and place them in your washing machine.

  4. Wash the clothing on a regular, warm water cycle. Add laundry detergent according to package directions and ½ cup of Borax.

  5. Run clothes through an extra rinse cycle after washing is complete. Dry the clothes in the dryer, if the clothing label indicates machine drying is allowed, or hang to dry.

The Drip Cap

  • Mold on clothes can leave stains and a terrible odor if not removed.
  • For white clothes, the solution is most often bleach; however, you cannot use regular bleach on colors without fading them.
  • Wash the clothing on a regular, warm water cycle.
  • Dry the clothes in the dryer, if the clothing label indicates machine drying is allowed, or hang to dry.