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How to Make Epoxy Colored

Alex Burke

Epoxy is a two-part adhesive consisting of a resin and a hardener that combine and create a durable plastic that hardens quickly into a clear or golden yellow color. Epoxy is used to seal cracks, fill gaps and re-attach breaks in wood, ceramics and fiberglass.

It can be sanded, stained and painted over to hide the repair. Mixing the epoxy with a colorant before applying it can blend the repair into the surface and make the “hiding” process easier and faster to accomplish. Epoxy also can be colored and used as an inlay in woodworking projects.


Food coloring, liquid acrylics and artists tempera powder can be used a epoxy colorants. Considered using precolored epoxy sticks. Single color dry pigment can be added directly to the epoxy. Mix new colors from dry pigments with several drops of water to obtain a new color.

  1. Buy a color additive. Color additives are sold as dry pigments, premixed pastes, gels or liquids. They can be found at hardware, home improvement, automotive and art supply stores.

  2. Use the colorant as is--straight from the product's container--or mix a new color using two or more colors. Mix the colorant in an artist's mixing tray in small batches. Practice obtaining the correct mixed color before preparing the epoxy.

  3. Mix the epoxy according to the manufacturer's directions.

  4. Add a drop of the color immediately after mixing the epoxy. Use an appropriate stir stick, such as a toothpick or a Popsicle stick, to mix the color and epoxy thoroughly. Add more as needed to create the desired epoxy color.

  5. Apply the colored epoxy.

The Drip Cap

  • Epoxy is a two-part adhesive consisting of a resin and a hardener that combine and create a durable plastic that hardens quickly into a clear or golden yellow color.
  • Epoxy is used to seal cracks, fill gaps and re-attach breaks in wood, ceramics and fiberglass.
  • Add a drop of the color immediately after mixing the epoxy.