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How to Attach a Glass Shelf to a Mirror

Heath Wright

Many remodeling ideas require a little deconstruction before the remodeling can start. Attaching a glass shelf to a mirror is no different. If the mirror was already attached to the wall, it should be removed so that the glass shelf may easily be attached.

If the home improvement project is a complete redesigning of the bathroom and the mirror is not on the wall, then that reduces some of the work. All that is needed to join the glass and mirror together are two small clips.


Use the anchors and screws that come with the mirror and shelf clips. Use a drill bit that is equal to, or slightly smaller in diameter than the anchor. This will ensure a tight fit for the screw and expands the anchor to fit the hole that was drilled.


Never space the mirror and shelf clips out more than 48 inches apart. The weight will become too much for the clips and it may be unable to support the mirror. Make sure the studs you choose to anchor your mirror are no more than 48 inches apart.

  1. Measure the dimensions of the glass shelf and the mirror. Write them down for future use. Inspect the wall where the mirror will be installed. Run the stud finder horizontally along the wall.

  2. Hold the stud finder when it indicates a stud was found. Draw an "X" on the stud with a pencil. Repeat finding the studs horizontally along the wall. Draw an "X" on each stud.

  3. Decide where the mirror should be installed. Make sure the mirror is at eye-level for the majority of the members of the house. Choose studs to install the mirror on. Put a drill bit into the drill and make a hole in the left stud. That will be the upper left brace that will hold the upper left corner of the mirror.

  4. Hold the plumb bob over the hole and let it hang down. Consult your dimensions and then measure the vertical length of the mirror from the hole you just drilled down the plumb line. Mark on the stud the measurement needed to fit the mirror and so that the mark is plumb with the drilled hole. This will be where the bottom brace for the mirror/shelf will be.

  5. Drill a hole on the mark. Put a wall anchor into both holes. Place the level above the top anchor. Reposition the level until the bead of air in the middle tube rests between the two lines, certifying that the line is level. Measure to the right, the same distance as the mirror's width, to find the place for the third anchor. If your line does not end on a stud, move to the left a bit to find the closest stud and mark it, making sure your line is level.

  6. Drill a hole on the mark. Insert another anchor. Repeat Step 4 to mark the bottom right corner of the mirror.

  7. Drill the fourth and last hole. Insert an anchor. Position the top mirror clips on the top anchors, with the hole on the clip over the hole in the anchor. Drill a wood screw into each hole, securing the clip to the wall. Position the bottom mirror clips with the shelf clip on the bottom anchors, with the hole on the clip over the hole in the anchor. Drill a wood screw into each hole, securing the clip to the wall.

  8. Slide the mirror into the slots on the clips. Make sure the mirror is centered between the two sets of anchors. Screw cork-tipped screws with the Allen wrench into the holes on the top mirror clips; this will tighten onto the mirror and hold it in place.

  9. Position the glass shelf into the shelf clip. Make sure shelf is centered between the two sets of anchors. Screw cork-tipped screws with the Allen wrench into the holes on top of the shelf clips to hold the shelf in place.

The Drip Cap

  • Many remodeling ideas require a little deconstruction before the remodeling can start.
  • Run the stud finder horizontally along the wall.
  • That will be the upper left brace that will hold the upper left corner of the mirror.
  • Hold the plumb bob over the hole and let it hang down.
  • Mark on the stud the measurement needed to fit the mirror and so that the mark is plumb with the drilled hole.
  • Place the level above the top anchor.
  • Drill a wood screw into each hole, securing the clip to the wall.
  • Make sure the mirror is centered between the two sets of anchors.