How to Make Magnet Earrings Stick Better

Photo by Arte Ram with

Magnet earrings stick to your earlobes through magnetism. The stud in the front is held in place through magnetism by a piece in the back of the earlobe. As long as the force is strong, the earring will stay put. However, if the magnetic pull gets loose, the earring will fall off. Therefore, it’s important to understand how to reinforce the basic mechanism of a magnet earring and help it to stick better.

Keep your earlobes clean. The front and back of your earlobes should be free of dirt, dust and grime. These things will block or distort the magnetism of your magnet earrings making them difficult to wear and unable to stick.

Stay away from hair gels that drip or run. Hair gels or even sprays can drip or run down to your earlobes and build up. This build up of hair product can also block or distort the magnetism of your magnet earrings causing them to slip off or not stick.

Buy quality magnet earrings. The reason why certain magnet earrings don’t stick well is because they are poorly made. So, you should do a little research before you buy a pair of magnet earrings. Ask around, check the Internet and get help from a salesperson. This method should lead you to the best brand of magnet earrings to buy.

Wear magnet earrings on the thinnest part of your ear. The big reason for this tip is that the less amount of barrier between the front and back of your magnet earrings, the better the stick. So keep this in mind as you wear them on different areas of your ear. If you have extremely thick earlobes, it might be better to wear your magnet earrings higher up on the cartilage area of the ears. It’s most likely the spot where the earring will stick best.

Toss magnet earrings that break. Unlike other types of earrings, magnet earrings are usually hard to repair. It’s just not a matter of replacing a hook or clasp. So, if something happens to them, its best to just toss them away versus doing a patch job. A patch job may lessen the magnetism and cause your magnet earrings not to stick.