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Types of Berries in the Rainforest that Are Okay to Eat

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An abundance of fruits and berries are found in the rainforest and, while many of them are safe and healthy foods, some can be dangerous when consumed. If you live close by, or are planning a vacation to a rainforest, hire a guide or invest in a book that can direct you to the safe foods. A few types of berries that grow in rainforests around the world are sold in health stores and on the Internet, in case you don’t plan to visit a rainforest anytime soon. Whether you pick them yourself or simply buy them, these berries have unique benefits to enjoy.


This is a common berry found in the rainforests in the Pacific Northwest. While ripe, they look like an orange-colored raspberry. Like most berries, the salmonberry is full of antioxidants. They’re ready to be harvested and eaten during the spring. The shoots the berries grow on have a sweet taste and can also be eaten.

  • An abundance of fruits and berries are found in the rainforest and, while many of them are safe and healthy foods, some can be dangerous when consumed.

Camu Camu Berries

These are small, round berries that are a mixture of orange and red in color. This berry is a vitamin C powerhouse that’s found in Amazon rainforest, growing on a short shrub among the other trees and plants. They provide up to 50 times more vitamin C than oranges, so they’re nutritional fruits that many experts consider a super food.

Acai Berries

These berries grow on acai palm trees and can be found in the rainforests of Brazil where the inch-long fruits thrive most of the year. The antioxidants found in acai berries are extremely concentrated, which gives them their deep reddish-purple color and makes them a super food. The oil from the berry is a common ingredient in natural products that help to smooth and condition skin.


Found in Australia’s rainforests, Riberries are also full of antioxidants like most other tropical berries. The small, red, round berries are known to taste similar to spices and cloves, as opposed to most other berries of the sweet variety, so they can be used in recipes that other berries can’t. Jams and desserts are made with riberries, as are savory dishes such as casseroles, soups and dinner salads.

  • These are small, round berries that are a mixture of orange and red in color.
  • The antioxidants found in acai berries are extremely concentrated, which gives them their deep reddish-purple color and makes them a super food.

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