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How to Repair an Intex Air Mattress

Sommer Leigh

Since Intex air mattresses can tear if they come in contact with sharp or jagged objects, this manufacturer typically includes a repair kit. If not, the kits can be purchased from an Intex dealer. The kits consist of a patch and adhesive you apply to the mattress to cover and repair the hole.

Since most Intex air mattresses are flocked with a soft material to add comfort, you may need to sand the surface so the patch can adhere securely.

  1. Pull out or unscrew the exhaust valve cap to deflate your Intex air mattress.

  2. Clean the area around the hole with a damp cloth and allow it to dry.

  3. Sand around the hole with an emery board to remove the flocking. This helps the adhesive adhere to the surface.

  4. Cut a circular patch about three times larger than the hole you are patching.

  5. Apply the adhesive to the back of the patch in an even layer right up to the edges of the patch. Do not apply the adhesive too thickly or it will squeeze out from under the patch when you apply it to the air mattress.

  6. Press the patch with your fingers down on top of the hole so it covers it completely. Place a heavy object, such as a brick, on top of the patch for 12 hours to give it plenty of time to adhere and dry.

  7. Inflate the mattress and inspect the patch. Listen for air sounds and feel around the patch to determine if it is securely adhered or if you can detect any air escaping from around the hole.

The Drip Cap

  • Since Intex air mattresses can tear if they come in contact with sharp or jagged objects, this manufacturer typically includes a repair kit.
  • The kits consist of a patch and adhesive you apply to the mattress to cover and repair the hole.
  • Press the patch with your fingers down on top of the hole so it covers it completely.
  • Inflate the mattress and inspect the patch.