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How to Graft Tomatoes Onto Potatoes

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Although a potato and a tomato cannot be cross-bred, it is possible to graft together a tomato plant shoot to the rootstock of a potato plant. The grafted plant will produce both tomatoes from the tomato shoot and potatoes from the rootstock. Grafting together the two plants can save you space in the garden and make a tomato plant grow that is not well suited for the soil in your garden. Be aware that the grafting together of the two plants can effect the taste of the fruit.

Cut the stem of the potato plant so that it is split into a "V" shape. Cut the stem so that about 1 inch is exposed above the ground.

Cut the roots from the tomato plant, making a cut on the stem that is straight across using a sharp knife. The cutting should be about 6 to 8 inches long.

  • Although a potato and a tomato cannot be cross-bred, it is possible to graft together a tomato plant shoot to the rootstock of a potato plant.
  • Cut the stem of the potato plant so that it is split into a "V" shape.

Cut the tomato stem so that it looks like a wedge shape by cutting material off both sides of the bottom of the stem. Make the cut so that it fits into the "V" shape cut into the potato plant stock.

Slide the two cut pieces together.

Wrap the graft with grafting tape so that the cut holds.

Remove the grafting tape once the plants begin to show new growth.

Graft A Potato & Tomato Plant Together

Fill a well-draining 1-gallon container with a soil-less potting mix, leaving a 2-inch space between the soil and the brim. Take care not to compact the soil as you are placing it in the container. Separate the roots before setting in the hole, and backfill around the root ball with the soil. Make the cut 3 inches from the top of both plants, so the open areas line up when the plant stems are held together. The cambium layer, the third layer of the stem's interior, contains active cells that generate growth for the plant. Remove the tape when the plant begins to show signs of new growth.

  • Cut the tomato stem so that it looks like a wedge shape by cutting material off both sides of the bottom of the stem.
  • Make the cut 3 inches from the top of both plants, so the open areas line up when the plant stems are held together.


Purchase a tomato plant and a potato plant that have stems of roughly equal size so the graft takes easily.

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