The Best Way To Cut Lattice

Things Needed

  • Straight edge

  • Carpenter's pencil

  • 8-foot lumber

  • Circular saw

  • Small-toothed circular saw blade

  • Fine sandpaper


If you need to cut lattice in a bent or curved line, cut it with a keyhole saw.

Lattice is generally designed with strips joined in a diagonal crisscross, with most lattice sheets made from either wood or plastic. The holes between the strips let air circulate through the lattice, allowing for a slight breeze, as well as creating a wall or structure you can look through. Lattice is a common choice on the underside of decks, as well as covering up areas under pier and beam houses. For best results, cut lattice using a circular saw with a small-toothed blade.

Step 1

Rest a straight edge on the lattice in the location where you need to make the cut. Run a carpenter's pencil or black marker pen along one side of the straight edge to mark the lattice in the location of the required cut.

Step 2

Place an 8-foot, 2-by-4- or 2-by-6-inch length of lumber on the flat ground. Rest the lattice sheet on top of the lumber with the marked line facing upward. Check to ensure the marked cutting line is a few inches to one side of, and parallel with, the lumber.

Step 3

Set the depth of the circular saw blade roughly 1/2 inch wider than the thickness of the lattice. Put on eye goggles.

Step 4

Position the circular saw blade at one end of the lattice sheet, lining up the blade with the marked cutting line. Squeeze the saw's trigger, and move the circular saw slowly along the full length of the marked line. If necessary, walk on the lattice to the side of the lumber opposite the saw and marked line.

Step 5

Remove any splinters from the cut lattice with fine sandpaper.
